PJ Media

This PJ O'Rourke piece has been getting linked everywhere, and for good reason. When PJ is going at full blast, there are few conservative writers who can match him for rage and wit (even Ann Coulter comes across as a cool ironist compared to PJ's blue collar polemics).

Armed with the panoply of lawmaking, these moonstruck fools for power go about in a jealous rage. They fear power’s charms may be lavished elsewhere, even for a moment.

Democrats hate success. Success could supply the funds for a power elopement. Fire up the Learjet. Flight plan: Grand Cayman. Democrats hate failure too. The true American loser laughs at legal monopoly on force. He’s got his own gun.

Democrats hate productivity, lest production be outsourced to someplace their beloved power can’t go. And Democrats also hate us none-too-productive drones in our cubicles or behind the counters of our service economy jobs. Tax us as hard as they will, we modest earners don’t generate enough government revenue to dress and adorn the power that Democrats worship.

Democrats hate stay-at-home spouses, no matter what gender or gender preference. Democratic advocacy for feminism, gay marriage, children’s rights, and “reproductive choice” is simply a way to invade -power’s little realm of domestic private life and bring it under the domination of Democrats.

Democrats hate immigrants. Immigrants can’t stay illegal because illegality puts immigrants outside the legal monopoly on force. But immigrants can’t become legal either. They’d prosper and vote Republican.

Democrats hate America being a world power because world power gives power to the nation instead of to Democrats.

And Democrats hate the military, of course. Soldiers set a bad example. Here are men and women who possess what, if they chose, could be complete control over power. Yet they treat power with honor and respect. Members of the armed forces fight not to seize power for themselves but to ensure that power can bestow its favors upon all Americans.

O'Rourke's been writing variations of that for 30 years, but it's still a necessary tonic to the tediously smug PC prose normally found in journalism and in public discourse in general. I can remember first reading Parliament of Whores 20 years ago and being amazed that someone could write so many insulting and funny things about Democrats and liberals. For a 21 year old going to college in San Francisco, this was a difficult perspective to come across. 20 years later, he's still got it, and we still need it.

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